50 common Linux commands.

Table of contents

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No headings in the article.

  1. ls - List files and directories

  2. cd - Change directory

  3. mkdir - Make directory

  4. rmdir - Remove directory

  5. cp - Copy files or directories

  6. mv - Move files or directories

  7. rm - Remove files or directories

  8. touch - Create an empty file or update timestamp of an existing file

  9. cat - Display contents of a file

  10. more - Display contents of a file one page at a time

  11. less - Display contents of a file one page at a time with additional features

  12. head - Display first few lines of a file

  13. tail - Display last few lines of a file

  14. grep - Search for a pattern in a file

  15. find - Search for files or directories with a specified name or pattern

  16. chmod - Change permissions of a file or directory

  17. chown - Change ownership of a file or directory

  18. ps - Display information about running processes

  19. top - Display system resource usage and processes

  20. df - Display free disk space

  21. du - Display disk usage of files and directories

  22. tar - Create or extract tar archive files

  23. zip - Create or extract zip archive files

  24. unzip - Extract files from a zip archive file

  25. ssh - Connect to a remote system over SSH protocol

  26. scp - Copy files securely over SSH

  27. rsync - Synchronize files and directories between local and remote systems

  28. curl - Transfer data from or to a server

  29. wget - Download files from the internet

  30. ping - Test connectivity to a network device or server

  31. traceroute - Display the route that network traffic takes to reach a destination

  32. netstat - Display network connections and status

  33. ifconfig - Display network interface configuration

  34. route - Display or manipulate network routing tables

  35. passwd - Change user password

  36. useradd - Create a new user account

  37. userdel - Remove a user account

  38. groupadd - Create a new group

  39. groupdel - Remove a group

  40. hostname - Display or set the system hostname

  41. date - Display or set the system date and time

  42. cal - Display a calendar

  43. who - Display users currently logged in

  44. w - Display information about currently logged in users

  45. uptime - Display system uptime

  46. history - Display command history

  47. sudo - Execute a command as superuser

  48. apt-get - Install or update packages on Debian-based systems

  49. yum - Install or update packages on Red Hat-based systems

  50. lsblk - Display information about available block devices

These are just some examples of commonly used Linux commands, there are many more commands available that can be used for different purposes.

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